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Self hypnosis allows you to access your own unconscious mind and achieve lasting and powerful change where free self hypnosis techniques hypnosis downloads matters, in your unconscious.
The number self esteem hypnosis key drive of the human mind is homeostasis; keeping things the same. If you cause change at a conscious level only, the unconscious mind, which makes up approximately 90% of your total brain power, will quickly restore things to the way they were. So for any positive change to successfully occur, be it to stop smoking, weight loss, achieving goals, in fact the possibilities are almost endless, it needs to occur at an unconscious level.
Performing self hypnosis will allow you to control your own mind, and effect powerful and, most importantly, lasting positive change. To access your unconscious mind in self hypnosis you need to enter a self hypnotic trance, basically you need to remove your critical mind and allow you to access your unconscious.
A lot of beginners have difficulty with entering a self hypnotic trance, with the Betty Erickson method anyone can enter into a deep self hypnotic trance in no time.
To perform the Betty Erickson method of self hypnosis:
Get your self in a comfortable position, sitting up or lying down, whatever makes you feel the most comfortable.
Keep your eyes open and say, out loud if possible as this quietens internal dialog, three things that you can see.
Then say three things that you hear, and three things that you can feel.
try and throw in a few internally orientated free self hypnosis as well, such as "I feel myself relaxing" when you in fact do.
Then say two things that you see, two that you feel and two that you hear (there is no magic in the order of the senses which you use. Any order of see, hear, feel will work fine, and feel free to change the order throughout the induction, the only rule is do not have the same sense back to back, so never end with a feeling on one loop then start with a feeling on the next).
Then say one thing that you feel, one that you see, one that you hear.
Close your eyes and notice as you relax deeply.
Give your suggestion, making sure they obey the laws of suggestion (that they are positive, and that you can believe them. So saying "I am thin" when you know you aren't will not be as effective as saying "with everyday that goes by i am getting thinner and thinner until i reach the weight that i want to be").
After you have done your suggestion wake yourself up.
A great way to do this is by telling yourself that when you count down form three to one you will wake up feeling refreshed, relaxed and alert, bringing with you all the positive suggestions of that session, then count yourself out.
Ideally perform self hypnosis everyday, before you go to bed, when you wake up, or whenever you have a spare 5 minutes. When you begin practicing self hypnosis you will find your life full of more joy and success than you have ever hoped for!
To your success!
Nathan Thomas.
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